Wednesday , 4 December 2024

CS605 Assignment No 01 Spring 2013 Solution required

Assignment No. 1
Semester Spring 2013
Software Engineering–CS605


Total Marks: 10


Due Date: 30-04-2013


To learn usage and implementation of different Software process models.


Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:

Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from net, handouts or books.

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:


  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
  • The assignment is copied (from other student or copy from handouts or internet).


For any query about the assignment, contact at






The soft-tech organization established three years ago has completed a number of projects successfully. Recently this organization got a big project from a multinational company for e-commerce website development. This new project is facing much delay due to the resignation of project manager. At which maturity level the organization is working currently .Give your answer with reference to CMM levels. Also explain the reason of your answer.



A textile organization wants to develop an Inventory Control System for its internal use. The requirements are well understood and scope is well constrained. However the project is required to be delivered within short period of time (as soon as possible). Propose a life cycle model for this scenario and provide reason(s) for justification of your answer.



Suppose a software house is going to design an automated system to control the operations of an aeroplane. There are following requirements:


  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Reliability
  • Maintainability


Suggest which one has the top most priority from the above. Also give appropriate reasons in favor of your answer.


After successful development and testing phases of internet banking project, United Bank Limited (UBL) has launched its website on web server to facilitate its customers online. According to Software Development Loop, at which stage the current system is working now?



  • Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from net, handouts or books.


  • Your answer should be “to the point”.



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