Sunday , 9 March 2025


Published On:  Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Course Selection (Spring 2013)

(Classes Commencement Date: Monday, April 8, 2013)


The Course Selection link will be available from Tuesday, March 26, 2013 underStudent Services TabThe students are advised to logon to their respective VULMS account and select their course(s) immediately or at least before the semester commencement date. However, students may add/drop course(s) until April 21, 2013. Failing to enroll any course(s) by the last date, such students will be treated as“INACTIVE STUDENT” in Spring 2013 semester under “Semester Freeze Rules 2012” and required to pay additional fee.


1. Existing students may Select/Add/Drop/Replace course(s) by themselves through “Student Services, Course Selection link”.

2. Newly admitted students, enrolled in the 1stsemester of their study program, are given pre-selected courses. However, they have an option to reduce course load by dropping course(s) using above mentioned course selection link. (Note: This practice will eventually increase the duration and the fee of the study program).

3. Students are required to complete the minimum residential period of their respective degree program e.g. a 2-year (4-semester) degree program cannot be completed in less than its prescribed time [provided the students are allowed prescribed course(s) exemption by the Committee].

4. Students with blocked VULMS (due to non-payment of fee or any other reason) are not allowed to make their course selection/semester enrolment unless they deposit their outstanding dues.

5. No course Add/Drop request will be entertained after April 17, 2013. In case a student fails to appear in Final Term examination of course(s), s/he will be treated as‘F (Absent)’ just like dropped course(s) but no fee will be refunded / adjusted.

6. Fee voucher once issued will not be re-issued, upon drop of course(s).

7. Request of student to relax/waive off any offered assignment /quiz will not be entertained / accepted.

8. To apply for VU scholarships, the eligibility criteria also includes selecting and qualifying courses according to prescribed semester wise scheme of studies of program and deposit of the University dues.

9. Students are required to strictly follow while enrollment of maximum credit hours limit for a semester including ‘F’ or ‘D’ grade course(s), if any [except MSBA / MBA (Equivalent to MS) & MSCS.

10. In any of the subsequent semesters a student may repeat once, those course(s) of the previous semester(s) in which s/he had secured the lowest grade i.e. ‘D’ only. However, a student is not allowed to improve ‘D’ grade of a deficiency course qualified. Any improved grade will substitute ‘F’ and ‘D’ grades of the previous semester while calculating CGPA.

11. A student, who fails to achieve the required CGPA for award of diploma/degree, upon the completion of entire prescribed course work program, may be allowed to repeat, oncethe course(s) of the previous semesters in which s/he had obtained the low grade (i.e. ‘C’ or ‘D’) in order to achieve the minimum CGPA required for the award of diploma/degree, failing which s/he shall cease to be on the rolls.

12. Specialization certificate students’ are not allowed to improve ‘D’ grade course(s).

13. The existing MBA (2-year) program students are encourages to complete their degree program within Spring 2013 semester according to VU Notification No. VU/Reg/1773 published at LMS Notice Board (due to HEC, revised Business Studies roadmap).

14. Students are instructed to follow strictly the Rules and Procedure given in Student Hand Book under – Course Selection link in LMS account.

Declaration: I hereby acknowledge that I have completely read and understood the above rules including semester enrollment, course selection etc. I understand that I shall be responsible for the consequence and thus promise to abide by the University rules framed out from time to time.

Note: Students having issues or seeking guidance regarding course selection may e-mail to


whereas MSCS program students are required to email




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