Question No: 1
There are mainly——————- types of software
- Three
- Four
- Five
Question No: 2
In C/C++ the #include is called,
- Header file
Preprocessor Directive
- Statement
- Function
Question No: 3
&& is—————— operator.
- An arithmetic
- Relational
- Unary
Question No: 4
In flow chart, the symbol used for decision making is,
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Arrow
Question No: 5
The correct syntax of do-while loop is,
- (condition ) while; do { statements; };
- { statements; } do-while ();
- while(condition); do { statements; };
do { statements; } while (condition);
Question No: 6
C++ views each file as a sequential stream of.
- Bits
- 0’s or 1’s
- Words
Question No: 7
If the elements of an array are already sorted then the useful search algorithm is,
- Linear search
Binary search
- Quick search
- Random search
Question No: 8
The address operator (&) can be used with,
- Statement
- Expression
- Constant
Question No: 9
When a pointer is incremented, it actually jumps the number of memory addresses
According to data type
- 1 byte exactly
- 1 bit exactly
- A pointer variable can not be incremented
Question No: 10
Each pass through a loop is called a/an
- enumeration
- culmination
- pass through
Question No: 11
Call by reference mechanism should be used in a program when there is
large amount of data to be passed
small amount of data to be passed
need to change the passed data
no need to change the passed data
Choose the appropriate option for the above case.
- (i) and (ii) only
(i) and (iii) only
- (ii) and (iii) only
- (ii) and (iv) only
Question No: 12
Which of the following is the starting index of an array in C++?
- 1
- -1
- any number
Question No: 13
The return type of a function that do not return any value must be
- int
- double
- float
Question No: 14
Which of the following is an extension of header file?
- .exe
- .txt
- .c
Question No: 15
We want to access array in random order which approach is better?
- Array index
- Both pointers and array index are better
- None of the given options.
Question No: 16
When we declare a multidimensional array the compiler store the elements of multidimensional array in the form of,
- Columns
- Rows
Contiguous memory location
- Matrix
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 )
What is the output of the following program?
#include iostream.h
main ( ) {
int RollNo;
int rollno;
RollNo = 5;
rollno = 8;
cout << “Roll No is ” << rollno; }
Program should not compile due to missing <> from following statement
#include iostream.h
if we ignore this then output should be
Roll No is 8
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 )
Why we include
in our programs?
Because standard stream handling function are stored in this file. Before using these function in our program it is necessary to tell compiler about the location of these
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 2 )
Find out error in the code given below:
if ( num % 2 = 0 )
cout << “The number is even” << endl;
if ( num % 2 = 0 ) There should be extra = sign following is right statement
if ( num % 2 = =0 )
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 3 )
How learning to design programs is like learning to play soccer?
“Learning to design programs is like learning to play soccer. A player must learn to trap a ball, to dribble with a ball, to pass, and to shoot a ball. Once the player knows those basic skills, the next goals are to learn to play a position, to play certain strategies, to choose among feasible strategies, and, on occasion, to create variations of a strategy because none fits. “
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 5 )
Write the procedure of data insertion in middle of the files by Merge Method practiced in older systems?
- Opened the data file and a new empty file.
- Started reading the data file from beginning of it.
- Kept on copying the read data into the new file until the location we want to insert data into is reached.
- Inserted (appended) new data in the new file.
- Skipped or jumped the data in the data file that is to be overwritten or replaced.
- Ø Copied (appended) the remaining part of the file at the end of the new file
Question No: 22 ( Marks: 10 )
Write a recursive function that takes three arguments (an integer array, starting subscript‘s’ and ending subscript ‘e’ ).
In first recursive call, the function should display the array from subscript‘s’ (s = 0) to ‘e’ (e = size of array). In each successive call, the function should print the array from index s+1 to e. T function should stop processing and return when starting subscript becomes equal to ending subscript.
For example, if user enters values for array 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 then the recursive function must display the following output.
2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6
4 5 6
5 6
#include <iostream.h>;
void PrintArray(int arrayInput[], int &s, int &e);
main ( )
int pause;
int TestArray [6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
int StartPoint = 0;
int EndPoint = 5;
PrintArray(TestArray , StartPoint, EndPoint);
PrintArray(TestArray , StartPoint, EndPoint);
PrintArray(TestArray , StartPoint, EndPoint);
PrintArray(TestArray , StartPoint, EndPoint);
PrintArray(TestArray , StartPoint, EndPoint);
PrintArray(TestArray , StartPoint, EndPoint);
cin >> pause;
void PrintArray(int arrayInput[], int& s, int& e)
for (int i = s; i<= e; i++)
cout<< arrayInput[i];
asslam o alikum!
im here frst time…………..student of frst samester of MCS in vu…………..u r doing v well n awsm job here fr d help of students of respectv corse here…………wsh u bst of luck fr ds great job……..
Allah bless u all…………
Thanks a lot Allah bless you all too………