Friday , 21 February 2025

CS408 assignment no 06 solution fall 2012 Practice assignment

Human computer Interaction (CS408)

Assignment # 6


  Total marks = 20


Web is combination of so many mediums so it is called  super medium, it has elements of audio, video and the print medium and that is not all it also have software application elements and incorporates hypertext  system.


When a website is developed there are many things that have to be considered during development process for good user experience that in turn depends on a hierarchy of planes known as Conceptual framework for developing user experience, as shown in the figure. Web developer moves from Abstract to concrete level as they move from lower plane to upper plane.

Problem Statement:

Being Software developer and web designer you have to define every component of each plane by clearly mentioning & defining which element on the given plane falls under the web software application element & Hypertext system which is shown in the figure below. 

Web As Software Interface:-


Being Software developer and web designer I will define every component of each plane by clearly mentioning & defining which element on the given plane falls under the web software application element given below:


In this Phase we will deal with the graphic interface or Visual design of our website. In other hand all the visible content and designs of our website is built in this Phase


In this Phase we deal with the Interface design and information design of our website.  This phase is very important because by using the accurate Interface and Information we can make our Website user friendly.


 In this Phase we deal with the Interaction design of our Website Structure. In this Phase we can make our website well for the user interface or also develop the simplest structure for website so user can easily interact with our website.


 In this Phase we deal with the Functional Specification of our website. In other hand in this phase we have to explain the detailed structure and Features of our website and also provide the description to make it easy for the users.


 In this phase we deal with the objectives of our website and also the needs of the users. The objective of our website should be clear that for which purpose our website is developed like Business purpose, Educational purpose or others. In this phase we saw our web site from the user point of view that what a user want from us.

Web As Hypertext System:-

Being Software developer and web designer I will define every component of each plane by clearly mentioning & defining which element on the given plane falls under the web Hypertext system given below:


 In this Phase we will deal with the graphic interface or Visual design and provide the graphical navigational components for our website.


In this Phase we deal with the Navigation design and information design of our website. I mean to say that in this phase we use the proper navigation or link system and informational design to make our website more user friendly for our users.


 In this Phase we deal with the Informational Architecture of our Website Structure. We can provide the information about the content and the scope of our website to make it attractive and easy.


 In this Phase we deal with the Content requirements of our website. This is the important Phase of the Hypertext system because in this phase we have to provide the detailed description in the shape of content which meets the user needs. A user can easily understand about our website by reading our contents.


 In this phase we deal with the objectives of our website and also the needs of the users. The objective of our website should be clear that for which purpose our website is developed like Business purpose, Educational purpose or others. In this phase we saw our web site from the user point of view that what a user want from us.

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