Thursday , 20 February 2025

CS408 Mid Term Paper Mega Collection for Mid Term Exams

02 Number Questions For Mid Term:-

1. Briefly explain physical constraints
what user center approach means
2. Being a researcher, what is the need of literature review in research in your point of view? Give brief answer
3. How designer can define characteristics of interaction characteristics?
4. Define Attention

Being a researcher why you need of literature review?
5. Why human make mistakes and how to avoid mistakes
6. A scenario is given and asked to find the research technique in this scenario

03 Number Questions for Mid Term:-

1. Usefulness of metaphor
2. Which includes in research phase of goal directed design model
3. Give the two real world example of QWERTY keyboard.
4. A Being a researcher, identify in which phases of ethnographic interviews you Explore, Identify vu solutions dot com patterns of use and Confirm patterns of use? Briefly explain them.
5. As a HCI specialist, if we design a system with good usability and good user experience, what will be the result?
6. What are the ethnography phases?

If People are free to let their imagination run free as long as the mental models they developed, then why do people use erroneous mental models
7. If People are free to let their imagination run free as long as the mental models they developed, then why do people use erroneous mental models?
Q. How star lifecycle model is different from Water fall model and RAD model in respect to ordering activities.
8. Any three principles of design
9. Three characteristics of interactive design
10. If People are free to let their imagination run free as long as the mental models they developed, then why do people use erroneous mental models?
11. How star lifecycle model is different from Water fall model and RAD model in repect to ordering activities.

05 Number Questions of Mid-term Exams:-

1. Speech recognition and its limitations.

2. A scenario is given and asked to how you design an easy system which can be understand a normal user.

3. How customer goal are different from corporate goal with respect to Non User Goal

4. Why dialog boxes are used in WIMP explain it with an example

5. Suppose you are a product designer and have to create a product that satisfies broad audience but some “Self-referential design”. A user-Centered design issue arises during product development. What are they and how persona resolves them?
6. What is persona? What are the designations of persona?

7. There was a scenario in which there was a web designer was designing a Learning management system etc

8. What is most important thing to design in the user’s conceptual model?

9. Suppose you are a project designer. What do you think that qualitative data of potential users with the help observation and interviews as product designer?

10. Speech input and its three problems

11. Which display device is very cheap and has fast enough response time for rapid animation coupled with a high color capability?

12. Suppose you are a project designer, what do you think that qualitative search is is important or product design?

13. A web designer is going to design site for a university
what ergonomics should be considered? Any 3 ergonomics aspects to be considered?
Speech input and their limitation.

14. You are a software engineer. What do you mean by lifecycle model and why they are used in software development?

15. How designer can define characteristics of interaction characteristics


• Types of Constraints by Norman
• WYSIWYG stand for
• Pull down menus
• GOMS stands for
• artificial intelligence
• experiential cognition
• Divided Attention
• Affoardness
• System Oriented Questions – Frequency
• Workflow Oriented Questions – Process
• Workflow Oriented Questions – Occurrence reoccurance

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