Friday , 7 March 2025

CS506 Subjective Paper for Mid term Papers

Question of 2 Numbers:-

  1.  You need to state the names of any four applet life cycle methods. (2 marks)
  2.  Suppose we created a button in a program which can generate events and then we built an object that can handle these events. You need to state that are we completed all the necessary steps in our program for handling the events of that button. (2 marks)

  3.  4 types of applets (2 marks)
  4.  If a method is declared as protected where can be the method accessed? (2 marks)
  5.  Name of component subclasses in painting?     2
  6. Write syntax of update query?     2
  7. Write 4 types of JDBC Driver. 2 marks

Question of 3 Numbers:-

  1. Write down the code for a method of ResultMetaData object (rs) to return the database type name of second column. (3 marks)
  2.  Describe types of statements used in JDBC. (3 marks)
  3. Discuss any three methods of ResultSetMetaData? (3 marks)
  4.  Differentiate between Named and Anonymous Objects. (3 marks)

  5.  How object can write through serialization?   3
  6.  What do you know about Java Database Connectivity having Driver interface?     3
  7. How can a GUI component handle its own events? 3 marks
  8. What Difference between serialization and de-serialization? 3 marks

Question of 5 Numbers:-

  1. GUI interface diya huwa tha uski coding karni thi (5 marks)
  2.  how we process the results of sql query (5 marks)
  3. How we process the result of SQL query?   5
  4. How do we prevent serialization?   5
  5. For a company named ABC what are the basic steps to communicate their database  with JDBC through Java languages.(5 marks)
  6. Why do we use prepared Statement object? 5 marks



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