Friday , 21 February 2025

CS508 Assignment 3 Solution Fall 2012 will upload soon

Purpose of Assignment:

Intended purpose of this assignment is to give students an exercise that can facilitate them while working in any professional software development environments. After attempting this assignment students will be able to:

• Familiarize with the core concepts of a programming language ‘ADA’ which is used in a wide variety of Military systems.
• Learn the language basic syntax and purpose.
• Students will get comprehensive understanding of at which different military areas this language can be used.


IdevSpot-Solutions for Software Companies

Consider yourself as a part of Software Development team in IdevSpot that provides a range of innovative and reliable eBusiness softwares for companies intending to start their own online business and earn profits by offering membership services. Idevspot is specifically designed for software markets, It’s scalable and integrated solution includes a full-featured, modular and secure eCommerce platform, a partner order and revenue management system, as well as a constantly expanding worldwide affiliate network. Idevspot market-proven eCommerce solution enables software companies to rapidly embrace industry shifts, reach customers effectively, and adopt new business models with
a view to optimizing profitable revenue across online and offline channels.


IdevSpot-PAF-Rentals Application

Pakistan Air Force gives a contract to Idevspot to develop a software application named IdevSpot-PAF-Rentals. This software will create a directory of apartments, houses and accommodations given to PAF staff members. PAF authorities will be able to visually search location of apartments and houses on Google Maps and toggle 3D Google Earth view. In addition, PAF authorities will also be able to search by category and specific criteria, such as location, code number, etc. The main concerns of PAF are:

• Efficiency
• Highly reliable software
• Avoids error-prone notation
• Concurrent programming support


IdevSpot-Software Development team has decided to use Ada language to develop this application. Now being a part of this project answer the following questions:

A. Suppose (a+b)*(x-y) is the formula to calculate the location of apartment or house. Now you as a programmer write a complete program in Ada to solve this formula. Note that each mathematical operator (such as +) should be solved in a separate subprogram. [10]

B. Suppose to save apartment or house information of any staff member, you are using records of Ada. You as programmer write a program in Ada to store the records of staff member. The record should contain staff member’s name, CNIC, rank, apparment_Id, and apartment_ Address. Add one complete record for a staff member in your application. And also print that record. The use of access type is must. Use Put_Line(Integer’Image()); command to print the values of Integer type variables. The Output should like this: [10]

Name is: ABC
CNIC is: 3
Rank is: Captain
ApparmentId is: 1
ApartmentAddress is: FlatNo.4


• It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupted.
o All types of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
• You should consult recommended books to clarify your concepts and can also put queries on MDB.

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