Saturday , 22 February 2025

CS604 Assignment no 01 Solution Required Spring 2013

  Assignment No. 01
Spring 2013
(Operating System) 

Total Marks: 15
Due Date: 30th
April 2013


To Learn and understand the basic concept of operating system structure and functions.

Lecture Covered:

Lecture # 1 to 6


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

 You will submit your assignment before or on due date on VU-LMS.
 Assignment should be completed by your own efforts it should not be copied from internet, handouts or books.
 You should submit your Word File via assignment interface at VU-LMS.
 Assignment sent via Email will not be replied and accepted/graded in any case.
 If the submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt, it will not be graded.

For any query about the assignment, contact at

Marks: 15

Question 1:

Let us point out some events that cause the kernel code to invoke in order to manage computer resources (like I/O devices memory and storage management) and control user programs to prevent errors and improper use of a computer system. Write their names.
[Marks : 02]

Question 2:

Operating System “XYZ” installed on a computing machine. .”ABC” serves as an intermediary between the hardware of the system and users. During the execution of a program or process, CPU generates different signals. You have to identify how do theses signals are handled by the operating system “XYZ”?
[Marks : 03]

Question 3:

General Electric (GE) is leading electronic company .They have 10 thousand employees. At the end of each month they need to get payroll prints. Once payroll data are submitted to computer, left running without human interaction. Being a student of operating system, you know OS is also scheduled the jobs. If there are numbers of jobs having same type and resource requirements that are ready to run. Keep in mind the above scenario, you need to identify in which system, these jobs are run easily.
[Marks : 05]

Question 4:

Categorize the following examples into Interrupt, signal and traps:

1. Ali is typing Alphabets in notepad by hitting keystroke.
2. Ayesha opening a folder from desktop by double clicking mouse.
3. Ahmad write a code in c language, like a=b/0.
4. Fatima is compiling a C program an error occurs Invalid memory access or buffer overflow.
5. While running a program ,you press <Ctrl-C>.
[Marks : 05]


Be precise in your answer, write to the point.


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Tuesday, 30th April 2013.

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