Assignment No. 06
SEMESTER Fall 2012
CS604- Operating System
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It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
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o The assignment is copied.
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 31st
January 2013
Marks: 20
Question 1: [Marks 15]
Let us consider that there is a logical address 1027 and a page table given below for process A. Let us consider that logical address space is of 16-bit with a 2Kilobyte page size and physical address space is also of 16-bit.
a) Calculate value of p [Marks 4]
b) Calculate value of d [Marks 3]
c) Write down the physical address in both binary and decimal form to which logical address 1027 will be mapped. Also mention the intermediate steps. If you will not write down the intermediate steps and if you will just write only the physical address then you will get zero marks. [Marks 8]
Page Table:
0 9
1 7
2 3
Question 2 [Marks 5]
Let us consider that a resource type R has 19 units and there are 5 processes A, B, C, D and E in the system. Let us consider that process A has 4, B has 3, C has 4, D has 1 and E has 3 instances of resource type R. Suppose that process A requires 3, B requires 6, C requires 4, D requires 1 and E requires 3 more instances of resource type R. Now let us suppose that at time instance T1, Process B requests 3 instances of resource type R and those 3 instances has been granted to process B. Does there exist any safe sequence in this situation? If yes then write down the safe sequence and if not then give reason/justification to support your answer?
Uploading Instructions:
Upload your assignment as a word file. It should have name [YourRollNo.doc]
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Thursday 31st January 2013