Saturday , 22 February 2025

CS607 Assignment no 02 Spring 2013

Assignment No. 02
Semester: Spring 2013

CS607: Artificial Intelligence


Total Marks: 20


Due Date: 08/05/2013



Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:


  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  • Solution is copied from any other source.



The objective of this assignment is to enhance your knowledge about;


  • Conversion of Maps/Graphs into Trees.
  • Application of different Search Algorithms.



Dear Student, Let’s consider we have a connectivity map/graph of Nine cities as given below. Cities are named as A, B, C…I for simplicity. The labeled edges indicate the distance in Km between connected cities e.g. the edge between node B and C is labeled as 3 which indicate that there is 3Km distance between city B and C.


Suppose you are currently at city A and you need to carry certain object to city I. In other words, your starting position is city A and destination is city I. Your task is to transform this map/graph into Tree and apply selected search techniques to find the path from A to I.

CS607 Assignment 02 Solution spring 2013




Part 1: Draw below your Connectivity Tree of the given Map/Graph. See Page#23 in your handouts for sample conversion of graph into tree. 


Part 2: Apply the following search techniques on your connectivity tree and write the path found by each technique along with its cost in terms of total distance from A to I.


Search Technique Resultant Path/s Total Path Length/s
Sample Search A-B-C-F-H-I 2+3+3+2+3=13Km
Depth First Search
Breadth First Search
Best First Search
Beam Search (k=2)

(Sample search is just given as an example to show how you need to fill this table with desired values.)


  • Total path length is the sum of all edges included in the selected path.
  • Your connectivity tree shall be complete i.e. representing all possible paths from city A without any cycles/loops.
  • Left Sub-tree will be processed first in Depth First Search.
  • Resultant paths mainly depend upon your Tree. If your path is not correct as per your Tree then marks will be deducted.
  • There is no aerial distance information available, so you have to use and make decision upon available local intercity distance information in case of Best First and Beam Search.




You are required to submit your solution in MS Word format through LMS.




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