Friday , 21 February 2025

CS614 Assignment no 03 Spring 2013 Solution Required

Data warehousing (CS614)

Assignment # 3

  Total marks = 20

                                                                                       Deadline Date = 15-05-2013

Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the assignment.


Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:


  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  • The assignment is copied. Note that strict action would be taken if the submitted assignment is copied from any other student. Both students will be punished severely.


1)      You should consult recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient.

2)      You are supposed to submit your assignment in .doc format. Any other formats like scan images, PDF, Zip, rar, bmp, docx etc will not be accepted

3)      You are advised to upload your assignment at least two days before Due date.

4)      This assignment file comprises of Four (4) pages.



Important Note: 


Assignment comprises of 20 Marks. Note that no assignment will be accepted after due date via email in any case (whether it is the case of load shedding or emergency electric failure or internet malfunctioning etc.). Hence, refrain from uploading assignment in the last hour of the deadline, and try to upload Solutions at least 02 days before the deadline to avoid inconvenience later on.


For any query please contact:



Please refer to the case study given in assignment no. 1




Suppose the airline company wants to store following information:


  • Flight departure/arrival status i.e. either flight departed/arrived late or in time.
  • Flight type i.e. either flight is connected or direct.



For storing the departure/arrival status a new table with the name “FlightADStatus” is created with following structure and data:


StatusID StatusName Description
01 OnTime This status is set if flight departs or arrives as per schedule
02 Late This status is set when the flight departs/arrives behind the specified schedule
03 NotDecided This status is set when the flight is schedule first time. After the flight departs/arrives, the status is modified





For flight types, a master table with the name “Flight Type” is also created with following structure and data:


FTypeID FTypeName Description



A flight is direct when it moves directly from source to destination location
02 Connected A flight is connected with moves indirectly from source to destination involving multiple legs.





For your convenience the modified ERD (with more abstraction level) is given below:


The requirement of airline is to find out total number of connected or direct flights that departed late or in time with in a certain time period.

CS614 Assignment no 03 Solution Spring 2013

A sample result will be:

“Total number of direct flights that departed late with in month of November”

“Total number of connected flights that departed in time with in month of October”

“Total number of direct flights that departed in time with in month of October”


For this purpose, organization defines a new business process named “Flight_Status_Aggregate”.

Question: [Marks 20]


There are four steps of dimensional modeling. First step is to identify the business process. Consider the “flight_Status_Aggregate” process described above. Apply the remaining steps of dimensional modeling to find out the fact and dimensional tables.






  • You are required to consider the ER Model given in this assignment and ignore the one developed by you in last assignments.


  • Be specific and provide to the point answer. Avoid irrelevant details and definitions.


  • Carefully read the scenario and the steps of dimensional modeling before attempting assignment.


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