Sunday , 9 March 2025

CS619 Final Project Guidelines For All CS619 Final Project Students

CS619 Final Project Guidelines

1. CS619 is Compulsory Final Project need to be must cleared with 2.3 CGPA. It Consists of 6 Credit Hours. (2 Semesters) I for Documentations and 1 For Final Deliverables (Coding and Final Presentations+Report). It consists of 5 Documents

Project Documentations and Marks

SRS (Software Requirements Specification) = 10 Marks

MWP(Methodology and Work Plan)              = 10 Marks

Design1 Phase                                             = 12 Marks

Design 2 Phase                                            = 12 Marks

Final Coding +Report+ Powerpoint Slides    = 30 Marks

Rest of 26 Marks are of Final VIVA and Presentation maks will be given by VIVA panel

Instructions about project Group

2. All the Documents till Design2 Phase are need to be Marked as Complete by the Project Manager. Final Deliverable (Project Code and Report) will be marked after your VIVA.


3. In CS619 2 Semesters are Necessary. Choose your Project given by VU in the projects List. It will show in CS619 “Assignment Section”. At first all the projects will show in CS619 Section. You will have to choose only one among all the given projects By just Selecting it in Assignment Section and then Click on “Confirm” and then Click OK and you are done. Just Wait for Approval of Project” (Dont worry if Late in approval CS619 Team will approve it in Working Day if it is Saturday or Sinday)

4. In Group only 2 Members are allowed. So becareful in selecting your group member within the given time. If your project Partner is not responding to you then CS619 will not take any action. then it is your reponsibility to be careful to choose reponsible and devoting partners for Project. You can select requests of Partners on Project assignment section. If you dont want any Partner then simply “Reject” all the request. You will be given “Separate” Group ID as a Alone Member of Project. Not more than 2 Group members are allowed so be careful in selection.

Which project you should Choose and how to make it


5. Carefully Read the Requirements of Project becoz you have to code it. Choose that programming Language Project which you know the best or which you can learn easily.

6. Project can be of C++/Java/PHP/MS.Net/VB etc as Front end( the language used to write code) and MSSQL/MYSQL/SQLITE as Backend (database connection used to store your project information connection of Database with your programming Language) so choose only that language project which you can make easily. In my Case I selected A Desktop Application because a Desktop application doesnot need any client server connection and take less time than Web application and it is easy to make.

7. Try to make your project in Simple Way. Because It will make chances of your success Why Becuse A beginner is not a Expert and Not a professional. If you are professional already in Software making then you can design it as you wish. but try to be simple.

8. Question your Project Manager on MDB he will guide you every time. If you want some guidlines he will surely help you. Seek help from him dont use unfair means becoz you have to appear infront of VIVA panel and they will ask you to run and modify a little bit of your project code. So make your project yourself.

9. VIVA can be a face to face discussiob b/w VIVA panel and student or it can be a Video Conversation(online) depends upon your centre. In case of overseas VIVA is always online VIVA.

10. Try to submit your project documents in Time. If you Submit it on Extended Date then your document will be marked in Half marks For example if document is of 10 marks then it will be marked from 5 marks Half marks will be deducted. so try to be punctual in your work.

Project Grade

11. It is Necessary to Complete Project in 2 Semesters becoz Credit hours for Project are 6. One Must Complete it in 2 Semsters. No one is allowed to do it in Just one Semester according to the CS619 rule.

12. If anyone Fails in VIVA He/She will have to reappear next time for the same project VIVA. (Dont Select New one Just Continue with the same project till you Get P grade (Pass) in CS619)

13. There are only 2 Grades for VIVA F and P. P for “Pass” and F for “Fail” Marks of CS619 will be mentioned in the degree issued by VU. Only Grade F or P Will be shown in LMS (CS619 Section). Final Internship has no effect on CGPA. It is Just needed to be accepted. But CS619 Final Project has Effect on total CGPA. Marks of CS619 Will be added to Final Grade of your Study Program. It must be atleast 2.30

14. If you run your project infront of VIVA panel and Modify coding easily then You can pass your VIVA easily. Becoz VIVA questions are only about your Project And from Powerpoint slides you made for Project. No need to be in Panic At the last moment they will ask about your Favourite Subject and ask questions from them.

15. Mostly questions of VIVA are about the diagrams drawn in Documents. So you must have full command on diagrams their meanings their symbols name what they are showing and why they are used? Why you choosed this Project what is its commertial benefit? What are actors in it ? Give some explanation about your project ? etc these types of questions are asked.

16 They Check only your Confidence level nothing else. Be confident while answering their questions they are very friendly and appreciating. If you successfully run and modify your project then VIVA panel will easily give you 65-75 marks Just concentrate on Project Coding and Diagrams And Presentation Slides. Dont Panic

If any questions feel free to ask and post your query here.

Best of Luck

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