Sunday , 30 March 2025

ENG101 Assignment no 02 Spring 2013 Idea Solution by Princess Doll

English Comprehension (ENG101)

Spring 2013 

Assignment No. 2                 

Total Marks: 15

Due Date: 15/5/2013



To assess students’ understanding of the course and to prepare them for the practical application of communication skills through writing practices. 



  1. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  2. If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
  3. Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from different sources and to express it in your own words will be encouraged.
  4. No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
  5. The file should be in Word doc form; the font color should be preferably black and font size can be 12 Times New Roman. 


Q1. Read the passages about different characters carefully and decide the technique from the given options which the writers employ to present and develop the characters.                                                                                                                (10)


  1. Direct statement
  2. Comparison and associations
  3. Dialogue and speech
  4. By action
  5. Associating one peculiar trait


  1. Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them. He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo’s Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along the body of an imp. Behrman was a failure in art. Forty years he had wielded the brush without getting near enough to touch the hem of his Mistress’s robe. He had been always about to paint a masterpiece, but had never yet begun it. For several years he had painted nothing except now and then a daub in the line of commerce or advertising. He earned a little by serving as a model to those young artists in the colony who could not pay the price of a professional. He drank gin to excess, and still talked of his coming masterpiece. For the rest he was a fierce little old man, who scoffed terribly at softness in any one, and who regarded himself as especial mastiff-in-waiting to protect the two young artists in the studio above.

 Answer: Associating one peculiar trait

  1. It was Miss Murdstone who was arrived, and a gloomy-looking lady she was; dark, like her brother, whom she greatly resembled in face and voice; and with very heavy eyebrows, nearly meeting over her large nose, as if, being disabled by the wrongs of her kind from wearing whiskers, she had carried them to that account. She brought with her two uncompromising hard black boxes, with her initials on the lids in hard brass nails. When she paid the coachman she took the money from a hard steel purse, and she kept the purse, and she kept the purse in a very jail of a bag which hung upon her arm by a heavy chain, and shut up like a bite. I had never, at that time, seen such a metallic lady altogether as Miss Murdstone was.

 Answer: Comparison and associations

  1. My sister had a trenchant way of cutting our bread-and-butter for us that never varied. First, with her left hand she jammed the load hard and fast against her bib-where it sometimes got a pin into it, and sometimes a needle, which we afterwards got into our mouths. Then she took some butter (not too much) on a knife and spread it on the loaf, in an apothecary kind of way, as if she were making a pilaster-using both sides of the knife with a slapping dexterity, and trimming and moulding the butter off round the crust. Then, she gave the knife a final smart wipe on the edge of the pilaster, and then sawed a very thick round off the loaf; which she finally, before separating from the loaf, hewed into two halves, of which Joe got one, and I the other.

 Answer: By action

  1. Chips laughed quietly and steadily to himself. It was a good joke.


“Well–umph–I’m certainly–umph–no chicken.”


He laughed quietly to himself for a long time.


Then he talked of other matters, of Shropshire, of schools and school life in general, of the news in that day’s papers. “You’re growing up into–umph–a very cross sort of world, Linford. Maybe it will have got over some of its–umph–crossness–by the time you’re ready for it. Let’s hope so–umph–at any rate. . . . Well . . .” And with a glance at the clock he delivered himself of his old familiar formula. “I’m–umph–sorry–you can’t stay . . .”

 Answer: Dialogue and speech

  1. “What is it, dear?” asked Sue.

“Six,” said Johnsy, in almost a whisper. “They’re falling faster now. Three days ago there were almost a hundred. It made my headache to count them. But now it’s easy. There goes another one. There are only five left now.”

“Five what, dear? Tell your Sudie.”

“Leaves. On the ivy vine. When the last one falls I must go, too. I’ve known that for three days. Didn’t the doctor tell you?”

“Oh, I never heard of such nonsense,” complained Sue, with magnificent scorn. “What have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well?

Answer: Direct Statement



Look at the five statements expressing different attitudes. Label each statement by choosing the most appropriate tone from the word bank. (5 marks)

calm       annoyed     scary    excited   eerie  sarcastic   humorous   passionate 


1. Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles per hour, that car can almost fly!


2. She delicately placed the cooing baby on a soft, freshly cleaned blanket.


3.  As that hurricane threatened, the wind’s blast caused angry fifteen-foot waves to crash over the small houses near the shore.


4. Ugh! Do I really have to sit through another boring lecture on data entry again?


5.  The alarm buzzed. Jordan smashed her fist down on it–hard. It flew off the nightstand and bounced off her cat, Armstrong. The cat yowled indignantly and rocketed out the room.


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