Saturday , 22 February 2025

MGT301 Assignment no 01 Spring 2013

Opening Date: 27 April, 2013
Due Date: 02 May, 2013
Marks: 20

TOPIC: Market Analysis & Selection through Strategic Planning

Learning Objective:

   The objective of this activity is to apply the concept of market analysis and importance of market characteristics in launching business in new market.

Learning Outcomes: 

   After this activity students will be able to understand that how different factors affect the decision of a business to enter into newcountry market.   Students will also learn that how & why to prefer one country market to other.

Company Profile:

Inspire Group, ranks among India’s top three private sectors business houses in terms of net worth. The group has business interests that range from telecommunications (Inspire Communications Limited) to financial services (Inspire Capital Ltd) and power
generation (Inspire Infrastructure Limited). Inspire Group’s leading company, Inspire Communications, is India’s largest private sector information and communications company (after Bharti Airtel. Established in 2004),with over 150 million subscribers. It has established high standard and quality in communication and information networks.

It statuses among the top 5 telecommunications companies in the world by number of customers in a single country. Inspire Communications Company covering over 24,000 towns and 600,000 villages. Inspire Communications owns and operates the nextgeneration IP-enabled connectivity infrastructure, comprising over 190,000 kilometers of fiber optic cable systems in India, USA, Europe, Middle East and the Asia Pacific region.


Inspire Co. is a famous company working in India for so many years. Inspire Co. has very diversified portfolio and working in differentsegments. Company has the dynamic work force, capable enough to adjust themselves in different capacities and able to work in any environment. Top management including CEO, Mr. Aakash Bohmani, and all directors have decided to make new office either inSri Lanka or Maldives. Sri Lanka has grown tremendously in telecom sector during last few years, especially after recent increases in export of yarn and textile. GDP growth rate is also high as compared to the last year which shows that it will continue to grow in coming years. On the other hand, Maldives has more established economy, with a very consistent growth in GDP. Law and order situation in Maldives is also better than Sri Lanka. Like Sri Lanka, Inspire has joint venture in Maldives as well with Wataniya telecom Maldives.


On the basis of economic and demographic indicators, make a complete comparative analysis for both countries and suggest company that which country is better for entering into foreign market? (20 marks)

Marking Scheme: 08Marks for each comparative analysis of both countries based on each factor and04marks for the decision supported by logical arguments.

Solution Hint:

For this activity, first you need to understand theeconomic and demographic indicators and then on the basis of these indicators, you will be able to make your comparative analysis and resultant decision.


Please note that, this analysis will be verified bydifferent reliable sources. You need to be very vigilant in using statistics and also mentioning the source of information. No marks will be given to those students who will provide vague information without

Following links and sources will be helpful in getting updated and reliable information:

1. “Sri Lanka. (2012) The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency.
2. Maldives, (2012)CIA World Factbook,
3. World Bank evaluations Independent Evaluation Group(IEG) Download World Bank reports(2012 )
4. Oil Reservoir Analysis prove oil reserves, measure Sor, evaluate EOR in situ with CTI(2012)
5. Agricultural Commodities Recent bulk shipments: Quantity, origin, destination, ship position (2012)
6. Budde com2012


24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties. This extra time should onlybe used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.



• Make sure to upload the solution file before the due date on VULMS.
• Any submission made via email after the due date will not be accepted.


• Use the font style “Times New Roman” or “Arial” andfont size “12”.
• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word format.
• You may also compose your assignment in Open Officeformat.
• Use black and blue font colors only.


Please note that your assignment will not be gradedor graded as Zero (0), if:
• It is submitted after the due date.
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt.
• It is in any format other than MS-Word or Open Office; e.g. Excel, PowerPoint,
PDF etc.
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc.

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