Friday , 21 February 2025

MGT501 Solved Final Term Paper Fall 2011 2nd Session

Question No: 1     

 Jobs are compensated on the basis of:


► Job analysis



Job specification

► Job worth

► Job description

Question No: 2     

 The ability to think about abstract & complex situations is refered to as:

► Mechanical skill


► Technical skill


► Interpersonal skill




Conceptual skill


Question No: 3     

 A company is hiring new entrants as well as some experienced people for its upcoming project, therefore, it is said to be:

► Advancing in technology


► Globalizing its operations


► Responding to frequent changes




Enhancing workforce diversity


Question No: 4     

 HR generalist is involved in:




Performing all or few (more than one) HR functions

► Performing a single focused HR function

► Providing orientation to employees only

► Designing special compensation packages for female employees

Question No: 5     

 ________ team allows groups to meet without concern for space or time and enables organizations to link workers together.



► Process


► Self-managed






► Cross-functional


Question No: 6     

 A new circular was issued by the top management of the organization to conduct performance appraisal of each employee after completion of one year of his/her service, which term best describes the above situation?



Project based method

► Focal point method

► Anniversary method

► Base timings method

Question No: 7     

 When supervisors are indulged in identifying the subordinates’ performance deficiencies & provide suggestions for improvements , the process is said to be:

► Strategic performance appraisal



Organizational development

► Upward feedback

► Downward feedback

Question No: 8     

 If a performance appraisal focuses on an employee’s quality and quantity of wok, then the performance appraisal is focused on measuring _____.

► Generic dimensions of performance

► Performance of actual duties



Employee competency

► Achievement of objectives

Question No: 9     

 Which of the following could result in a legally questionable appraisal process?

► Conduct job analysis to establish criteria for successful performance

► Base appraisals on subjective supervisory observations



Administer and score appraisals in a uniform manner

► Use clearly defined job performance dimensions

Question No: 10     

 All of the following are examples of upward communication, EXCEPT:

► Routine staff meetings of general manager with the supervisors



Routine discussion meetings between employee groups

► Routine meetings of supervisors with the employees

► Routine meetings of general manager with the non-supervisory employees

Question No: 11     

 Which of the given employment testing approach requires individuals to perform activities similar to those they might encounter in an actual job?

► In-basket technique



Role playing

► Interview simulations

► Case study

Question No: 12     

 Which of the following is said to be an output of an organization?

► Human resource

► Physical assets



Goods & services

► Financial reserves

Question No: 13     

 Which of the following helps an organization in defining and measuring the progress towards goal achievement?

► Key performance indicator

► Adoptation to legal compliance

► Strong compensation system



Employee career planning

Question No: 14     

 Which performance appraisal technique lists the traits and a range of performance?

► Paired comparison



Management by objective

► Alternation ranking

► Graphic rating scale

Question No: 15     

 Which is considered to be the simplest method for job evaluation?

► Classification method

► Factor comparison method

► Point factor method



Ranking method

Question No: 16     

 Under which of the following methods of jobs evaluation, jobs are arranged in an order?



Ranking method

► Classification method

► Factor comparison method

► Point factor method

Question No: 17     

 Which of the following is NOT included in direct financial payments?

► Wages

► Insurance

► Commissions



Question No: 18     

 Employee rewards like health & life insurance, pensions, time-off with pay, child care facilities etc. are all referred to:


► Variable pay

Fringe benefit

► Monthly salary

► Annual bonus

Question No: 19     

 Which of the following is an incentive plan that rewards employees for exceeding a predetermined goal by sharing the extra profits?

► Scanlon plan

► Piece-work plan


Gainsharing plan

► Variable pay plan

Question No: 20     

 Which of the following criteria is said to be essential for an effective communication?

► Sender and receiver are using the same code\language

► At least two people are involved & willing to communicate

► A channel to communicate should be present


All of the given options

Question No: 21     

 “Employees’ appraisal should not be influenced by characteristics like ethnicity, color, nationality, age & gender.” Which of the following defends the above statement?

► Rights to privacy

► Labor law

► Employment at will


Discrimination law

Question No: 22     

 ____________ is the early return of an expatriate manager to the home country without completion of an overseas assignment.

► Culture shock

► Expatriate return


Expatriate failure

► Repatriation

Question No: 23     

 “Leaders are born not made”. Which of the following theory depicts the given statement?


Trait Theory

► Situational Theory

► Behavioral Theory

► Motivational Theory

Question No: 24     

 Which of the following skills are required for an effective team?


► Problem-solving skills

► Technical skills

► Interpersonal skills


All of the given options

Question No: 25     

 Ms. Sadia always takes complex tasks as challenge rather than considering them as burden and tries to optimize her potential to handle the perceived challenges. Which one of the following traits depicts Sadia as a leader?

► Intelligence



► Dominance

► Self-confidence

Question No: 26     

 “Accounting department of ‘EFU General Insurance ltd’, share information of multiple levels of different departments to assist in preparing the annual budget on a consistent basis”. Which type of communication it is?

► Diagonal communication


Horizontal communication

► Upward communication

► Downward communication

Question No: 27     

 Which of the following does not signify the usefulness of conflict?

► It brings life and creativity

► It promotes goal achievement


It encourages organizational politics

► It promotes change & synergy

Question No: 28     

 JJP Enterprise seeks to attract one of its managers to move to Gawadar to manage the working of its subsidiary in Gawadar. The firm will likely need to offer a ________________ in addition to a manager’s base salary.

► Cost-of-living allowance

► Bonus


Hardship allowance

► Tax equalization adjustment

Question No: 29     


Which of the following is not included in intrinsic rewards?

► Promotion opportunities

► Working conditions

► Interesting work



Question No: 30     


Which of the following is not included in intrinsic rewards?

► Promotion opportunities


Credit union

► Working conditions

► Interesting work

Question No: 31     

 The progressive discipline procedures that address the issue of discharge belong to which offense?


► First offense

► Second offense

► Third offense


Fourth offense

Question No: 32     

 Collective-bargaining process can’t be completed with out negotiations. What do management and union ensure?


That conflict is contained within manageable boundaries

► Agreement between all parties sould not be involved

► That conflict is always resolved by force

► It achieves a set of lasting agreements

Question No: 33     

 Protection from undesirable circumstances and safety come under which stage of Maslow hierarchy of need?

► First




► Third

► Fourth

Question No: 34     

 Pictures of minorities, women and disabled employees in company broachers give credibility to which of the following message?




“We are an equal opportunity employer”

► “We are working on women right”

► “We offend sexual harassment at workplace”

► “We provide healthy work environment”

Question No: 35     

 All of the following are advantages of internal recruiting except


► It is less costly than going outside to recruit

► Those chosen internally already know the organization

► It improves the probability of good selection


It generate infighting among the rival candidates for promotion

Question No: 36     

 For the post of tutor, candidates are asked to deliver a lecture to a group of selected students. Which one of the following statement is most correct?


► This is used to have a face to face interaction

► Demonstration is mandatory for all post graduate colleges

► Delivering lecture is a type of work sampling


This is an example of in-basket simulation

Question No: 37     

 Which of the following statement is correct regarding work sampling?


► It is often difficult to use for managerial jobs because it is hard to address the full range of managerial activities


Work sampling techniques are conducted for candidates applying for higher positions in organization

► Work sampling techniques are much expensive and it’s really very hard to interpret results

► This technique is used to measure the impact of employee’s job satisfaction on performance

Question No: 38     

 Which of the following is considered as “Red Flag” concerning the job applicants? 


► When the applicant is providing detailed information about his work history

► When the applicant is giving solid justification for leaving last job

► When the applicant is describing his engagement in personal business in between the gap of his first and last jobs


When the applicant is avoiding to provide previous employment history

Question No: 39     

 How does mentoring differ from the orientation?






Mentoring is done when an employee is being prepared for jobs of greater responsibility. Orientation is done when an employee first joins an organization

► Mentoring is done by the supervisor. Orientation is conducted by the peers

► Mentoring is done to familiarize employees with procedures. Orientation is guiding employee in task completion

► There is no difference in mentoring and orientation

Question No: 40     

 Individual based rewards include all of the following EXCEPT


► Merit pay

► Bonus


Piece work plan

► Gain sharing

Question No: 41     

 Under which of the following situation would a team-based compensation most likely function well?




A situation in which a team of workers perform interdependent tasks

► A situation in which a team of workers perform independent tasks

► A situation in which a team of workers have homogenous skills and competencies

► A situation in which a team of workers have mutual distrust for each other

Question No: 42     

 Which of the following statement is correct for explaining difference between leadership and power?





Leadership focuses influence upward. Power is used to gain downward influence. 

► Leadership is a mean of achieving goals. Power focuses on goal achievement.

► Leadership requires goal compatibility with followers. Power requires follower dependency.

► Leadership required followers’ independency. Power requires goal compatibility with followers.

Question No: 43     

 All of the following organizational characteristics can be substitutes for leadership EXCEPT

► Clear formalized tasks

► Mechanistic rules and procedures

► Unified work groups


Mentor relationships

Question No: 44     

 Mr. Yoong is a Chinese executive working in Zong Telecom Pakistan, a China based telecommunication company. Mr. Yoong is therefore be classified as a/an:

► Guest-country national

► Host-country national



► Third-country national

Question No: 45     

 ___________________ are importers and exporters, they have no investment outside of their home country.



► International companies


Multinational companies

► Global companies

► Transnational companies

Question No: 46     

 What is the main point of difference between a multinational and transnational corporation?





► Transnational corporations have a central corporate facility but highly decentralized operations and MNC is more focused on adapting their products and service to each individual local market.

► Transnational corporations have centralized operations and MNC has decentralized operations

► Transnational corporations invested in foreign operations and MNC invested inlocal operations


Transnational concentrate on local markets and MNC focus on foreign markets

Question No: 47     

 Shaukat was accused of using organizational resources for personal use. He was caught red-handed thrice by his manager while misusing the company resources. If you were in place of his manager what actions


would you take against him?

► Warn him in writing

► Suspend him for some time


Dismiss him permanently

► It is too early to take any action

Question No: 48     

 Which of the following given statement is most appropriate regarding employee access to their employment history files?

► Employee can demand to immediately see their file whenever they want

► An employee may have access to file on a 24 hour turnaround time

► An employee may have access to file on giving one month prior application

An employee may have no access to his employment history file

Question No: 49    ( Marks: 3 )

 There are three types of positive powers that effective leaders use; charismatic, expert and referent power. Explain expert power with examples.




Question No: 50    ( Marks: 3 )

 What are the three key areas need to be addressed while doing global business? Define each.




Question No: 51    ( Marks: 5 )

 What measures should be taken to handle organizational politics?




Question No: 52    ( Marks: 5 )

 Is it necessary for a leader to be best performer among all?



Question No: 53    ( Marks: 5 )

 Explain the expectancy theory. Also identify its three elements and the formula derived by the scientist in this theory.

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