Friday , 21 February 2025

MGT501 Upcoming Quizs

Quiz 1


Human Resource Management (MGT501)

Dear Students,

This is to inform that quiz 01 will be opened at 06th November, 2012 and last date to attempt quiz is 07th November, 2012.


  • You can start attempting the quiz at any time but within given date(s) by clicking the quick link for Quiz on VU-LMS as it will become enabled within the mentioned dates.  As soon as the time will be over, it will automatically be disabled and will not be available to attempt it.
  • Quiz will be based on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Covering video Lectures 1 to 09.
  • Each question has a fixed time limit of 90 seconds. So you have to save your answer before 90 seconds. But due to unpredictable/unstable Internet speed, it is strongly recommended that you save your answer within 60 seconds to avoid any inconvenience. While attempting a question, keep an eye on the remaining time.
  • Attempting quiz is unidirectional. Once you have moved forward to the next question, you will not be able to go back to the previous one. Therefore before moving to the next question, make sure that you have selected the best option and saved your answer.

  • DO NOT press back button of your browser or refresh the page while attempting a question. Otherwise you will lose the chance of attempting the current question and a new question will be loaded.
  • DO NOT try to disable “Java Script” in your browser; otherwise you will not be able to attempt the quiz.
  • If for any reason, you lose access to Internet (like power failure or disconnection of Internet); you will be able to attempt the quiz again but from the next question where you left in last attempt. But remember that you have to complete the quiz before expiry of the deadline.
  • If you failed to attempt the quiz in given time then no re-take or off line quiz will be held as compensation/replacement.

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