Sunday , 30 March 2025

MTH501 latest Subjective Questions Final term Spring 2011

Question of 2 Marks

  1. Determine whether the set of vectors are orthogonal or not
  2. Is following set of vertices is orthogonal with respect to the Euclidean inner product on ?

  3. Find the characteristics polynomial and all eigenvalues of given matrix
  4. Write a system of linear equations for given matrix

Question of 3 Marks

  1. Let W=span {x1,x2}, where , construct an orthogonal basis {v1,v2}for W.
  2. Find the characteristics polynomial and egenvalues of matrix A=
  3. Sow that coefficient matrix of the following linear system is strictly diagonal dominant

Question of 5 Marks

  1. Find an upper triangular matrix R such that A=QR
  2. Define T: by T(x)=A(x), find a basis B for with the property that is diagonalizable A= QR
  3. Let A be a 2*2 matrix with egenvalues 4 and 2, with corresponding eigenvectors

  4. Let x(t) be the position of a particle at time t, solve the initial value problem
  5. Let L be a linear transformation from to define by L , show that ‘L’ is inventible and also find it’s inverse?

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BC090401494 : Muhammad Zeeshan Quiz Start Time: 06:21 PM Time Left 12 sec(s) Question # …

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