Sunday , 9 March 2025

Offline Website Downloader CS619 Final Project Spring 2013

Offline Website Downloader


This software should allow you to download the entire website or selected web pages to your local hard drive. So you will be able to enjoy the offline browsing without having the internet connection.




  • There should be only single type of user for this software.
  • User should be able to give website link to the software.
  • User should be able to select the directory from local hard drive to download the website.
  • User should be able to select the levels of downloading (sub links” links available in the website).
  • The software should provide the option of URL filters (downloading of the files from subfolders, from entire websites or from any servers)
  • Software should provide the options for downloading regarding the contents available in the website (videos, audios, pictures, or all).

  • The software should show the average downloading speed and downloading progress of websites.
  • The software should allow you to override the previously downloaded website.
  • User should be able to stop, start or pause the downloading of any website.
  • User should be able to add maximum 10 websites in downloading queue but only three websites should be in downloading progress at a time.
  • Software should allow the user to delete any website (fully downloaded /partially downloaded).
  • Software should show the Size of downloaded website (either it is fully downloaded or partially downloaded)
  • The software should have the built in browser to view the downloaded websites moreover the downloaded websites should also be open in internet explorer or any other browser
  • Software should have the option of “view log file” which shows you the historical log of websites (when a website is added to the software, when it is completed, which websites are being stopped etc)



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