Sunday , 30 March 2025

STA630 Solved MCQs for mid term Papers

Question No: 1

Who, among the following, wrote the book “Research Methods for Business”?

► Zikmund, W

Sekaran, U.

► Dessler, G.

► Neuman, W.C. 

Question No: 2

What does an empiricist believe? All the knowledge that we have of life after death can

► be used in research.

Knowledge in the form of ‘facts’ should be gained through sensory experience.

► Research conducted within the British Empire was biased and unreliable.

► Research should not always necessarily rely on the scientific methods.

Question No: 3

Action research usually takes place in a single school because;

It is designed to answer questions about improving practice in a particular setting.

► It is difficult to secure permission to study students in multiple schools.

► Teachers do not have the necessary skills to conduct research across multiple settings.

► Data collection methods used in action research are designed for single settings.


Question No: 4

Which of the following is characteristic of action research? Variables are

► tightly controlled.

► Results are generalizable.

► Results demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships.

Data are usually qualitative.

Question No: 5

Which of the following statements is TRUE for qualitative research question?

► It asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored.

It is generally an open-ended question.

► It asks a question which may be open ended.

► It asks a closed ended question.

Question No: 6

Which of the following is NOT an example of quantitative variable?

► Age

► Grade point average

► Gender


Question No: 7

In research, something that does not “vary” is known as:

► Variable

► Method


► Control group 

Question No: 8

The cause variable or the one that identifies forces or conditions that act on something else is known as:

► Moderating variable

Independent variable

► Categorical variable

► Dependent variable 

Question No: 9

Which of the following statements best defines hypothesis?

► A quantitative study.

A tentative prediction of the results of the research.

► A qualitative research design.

► The operational definition of the study.

Question No: 10

Which of the following is the characteristic/s of Hypotheses in qualitative research studies? Hypotheses are very specific and stated prior to beginning

► the study.

► Hypotheses are never used.

Hypotheses are often generated as the data are collected, interpreted,

and analyzed.

► Hypotheses are always stated after the research study has been completed.

Question No: 11

Hypothesis test may also be called as:

► Informal test

► Moderating test

Significance test

► t-test

Question No: 12

Which of the following refers to “A review that only demonstrates familiarity with an area is rarely published but it often is part of an educational program is which type of review”?

► Integrative review

► Theoretical review

Self-study review

► Historical review

Question No: 13

Which one of the following tasks is NOT accomplished by theoretical framework?

► Elaborate the relationship among the variables

► Explain the logic underlying the relationship between the variables.

► Describe the nature, and direction of the relationships among the variables.

Relates the previous studies. 

Question No: 14

Which of the following strategies is useful when defining a particular research question? To clearly articulate the research question, to

► provide operational, definitions and ensuring its test ability.

To clearly articulate the research question, outlining the conditions in which the phenomena of interest are to be investigated.

► To provide operational definitions of the ideas or concepts involved in the research.

► Ensuring that their research question is empirically testable.

Question No: 15

What should the business researcher be aware of when signing a confidentiality agreement?

► Any clause which limits the length of a questionnaire.

Any clause which allows the company to comment on findings that will be published.

► Any clause which increases the level of access for the researcher.

► Any clause which guarantees the anonymity of research participants. 

Question No: 16

In a study of concept learning in first-graders, all of the following should happen, except; to help make the experience enjoyable, children 

should be given substantial incentives to participate.

► The children should be asked if they want to participate.

► Teachers of the children in their classes should give informed consent.

► Parents must give consent.

Question No: 17

Which of the following is least likely to occur as an ethical problem with electronic research?

► Privacy could be invaded.

People are not likely to be able to stop once they have begun participating.

► could be avoided.

► Informed consent cannot be completely monitored.

Question No: 18

Quantitative research has been criticised because:

► The reliance on instruments and procedures makes it high in ecological validity.

The measurement process suggests a spurious and artificial sense of accuracy.

► It underestimates the similarities between objects in the natural and social worlds.

► It has no validity.

Question No: 19

Which of the following is a characteristic of a standardized test?

► The administration of the test is controlled carefully to ensure that all examinees experience the same conditions.

► The test is developed by experts to ensure it is technically sound.

► The scores are interpreted in standard ways.

All of the given options 

Question No: 20

Mr. Latif is measuring students’ attitudes on a controversial topic. Which of the following would you recommend he use to control for the potential problem of students feeling the need to respond with socially acceptable responses?

► construct validity

► Allow anonymous responses

Ensure reliability

► Ensure confidentiality 

Question No: 21

Which of the following scales can measure the Temperature?

► Nominal scale

► Ordinal scale

Interval scale

► All of the given options 

Question No: 22

Following are the properties of nominal scale, except;

► Least powerful

► Suggest no order

► Provide categorical information

Provide magnitude of object 

Question No: 23

Which of the following is NOT the implication of Ordinal scale?

► Characteristics of nominal scale

► Rank the object

► Does not provide magnitude of object

Provide rate

Question No: 24

Which of the following statements is correct about validity and reliability?

When internal validity is high, external validity is low

► When internal validity is high, there is no change in external validity

► When internal validity is high, external validity is also high

► All of the given options 

Question No: 25

When you are confident that the experimental manipulation produced the changes you measured in the dependent variable, your study probably has good ________ validity.


► External

► Causal

► Construct

Question No: 26

Mr. Ali has conducted an extensive review of the literature and has deductively reasoned a hypothesis about his problem on the basis of this review. Which type of a research plan is Mr. Ali likely proposing?

► Qualitative

► Ethical

► Both quantitative and qualitative


Question No: 27

Which of the following is a legitimate purpose of a research plan?

► It forces you to think through every aspect of a study.

► It provides detailed procedures to guide the conduct of the study.

It provides clear roadmap of the study.

► Writing a plan facilitates the evaluation of it.


Question No: 28

In the statement ‘Smoke badly destroys health of people’ what is the unit of analysis?

► Transportation


► Pollutants

► Drugs 

Question No: 29

While studying supervisor-subordinate relationship in an organization, what is the unit of analysis?

► Individual


► Employer-employee

► Organization

Question No: 30

Which of the following types of survey research is often used for program evaluation or accreditation purposes?

► Developmental surveys

Follow-up studies

► Public opinion polls

► No survey research is appropriate

Question No: 31

Which of the following is NOT an example of a problem with using survey research to investigate behavior?

► Respondents tend to answer by giving the most socially desirable answer.

► Respondents may inadvertently omit key terms in the question.

► Respondents may not give an honest reply to what they see as a threatening question.

Respondents may be unwilling to reveal information as they believe they are likely to be identified.


Question No: 32

What should the researcher do if they have achieved a low response rate?

► Copy responses and paste them again.

► Abandon the research project entirely.

Recognize and accept the possible limitations of a low response rate.

► Fill in some more questionnaires themselves.

Question No: 33

Which of the following statements is correct about questionnaire?

► A questionnaire should run to at least twenty pages.

► The questions should have no spaces between them so that the whole questionnaire looks small.

► Only questionnaires that are A3 size achieve high response rates.

Clear presentation is more important than overall size. 

Question No: 34

Critical decision area in questionnaire construction is which of the following?

► Question content

► Question wording

► Response strategy

All of the given options

Question No: 35

The most critical area of an article to read is;

► Introduction

► Abstract

Results section

► Limitations

Question No: 36

Which of the following is/are advantage(s) of the self-completed questionnaire?

► Inability to confirm who completed the questionnaire

► Its unsuitability for some kinds of respondents

► Inability to ask many questions that are not directly relevant to the respondent

Easy to justify the answer 

Question No: 37

Time consumed in mall intercept interview is representing which of the following type?

► High

► Moderate


► Nill 

Question No: 38

Which of the following similarity is found in Qualitative research and Survey research?

► Examine topics primarily from the participants’ perspectives.

► They are guided by predetermined variables to study.

They are descriptive research methods.

► Have large sample sizes.

Question No: 39

Which of the following represent a good qualitative problem statement?

► Defines the independent and dependent variables.

conveys a sense of emerging design.

► Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested.

► Specifies the relationship between variables that the researcher expects to find.


Question No: 40

Which of the following makes research questions very crucial?

Guide your decisions about what data to collect and from where.

► Help you decide which research area interests you.

► Ensure that your findings have external validity.

► Prevent you from thinking about research strategies.

STA630 Solved MCQs for Mid

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