Sunday , 30 March 2025

Faculty of Education | Virtual University of Pakistan

The Faculty program of Education in Virtual University of Pakistan is consist on Degree program Bachelor in Education Elementary the education is become a very important part of our life now days a person without education has no place in Society. Our Religion Islam also emphasis to get education and give the equivalent rights to get education for male and female. We can asses the importance of education in our religion by the Hadith Shareef of Our Beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (ﺼﻟﻰﷲﻋﻠﻳﻪ ﻮﺴﻠﻢ)”Attainment of knowledge is a must for every Muslim” and the second hadith is “Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave”. So it is necessary to get education for every one. Our government is also took many steps to provide the education to every even he is poor or rich. Virtual University is allowing people to join it and enhance their education. Virtual University select the Faculty program of Education for those people who are very fond of education. This program is design to train the people in their specific field. The Faculty of education consists on 36 to 40 Credits Hours in which VU provide the tools to their candidates for further course. In faculty of education Virtual University of Pakistan provides the degree of B.Ed Elementary to those candidates who complete the Degree requirements of faculty program of Education. Further details of Faculty programs of education is given in the link below..

B.Ed (Hons) Elementary

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