Sunday , 30 March 2025

Bachelor of Business & Information Technology (BBIT) | Virtual University of Pakistan

Virtual University of Pakistan is now offering Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (BBIT) four years program. This course is Designed for those students who want to implement business or management as their Career and wants to build up themselves for a secure and computational career. The main purpose of Virtual University of Pakistan to teach Bachelor of Business and Information Technology to to enhance the management skills in students and built up their career as they desire. Virtual University of Pakistan is allowing all students to take admission in specific Courses on limited seats. The Course structure is same as like all other Bachelor of Science (BS) four year courses. Like all courses of Virtual University of Pakistan this course is Also consists on the grading scheme of Assignments, Online Quizs, Grade Discussion Boards (GDBs), Mid Term Examination and Final Term Examination. Virtual University of Pakistan Issues its Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (BBIT) degree to those candidates who fulfils all requirements of the degree.

Only those candidates can get the degree of Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (BBIT) who obtain 2.25 CGPA out of 4.00. And successfully complete the Study program of Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (BBIT) required 132 credit hours. At the last 2 (7th and 8th) semesters of Bachelor of Business and Information Technology (BBIT) VU provide a project of 6 credit hours. A candidate should be eligible for this project in that condition if He/She earns 90 credit hours and obtain minimum 1.75 credit hours. A candidate must have to submit the project / internship report within the given time otherwise his/her project should be cancelled.

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