Sunday , 9 March 2025

Masters Programs | Virtual University of Pakistan

Master Programs of Virtual University of Pakistan now keeps its own values in the education system of Pakistan. Virtual University Launches their Master Programs in February 2006. Virtual University of Pakistan provides its Master Degree in the area of Computer Science (MCS), Information Technology (MIT), Business Economics (MB Econ) and Business Administration (MBA). After the end of every semester virtual University of Pakistan receive many applications for admission in any of the given Master Degree Program. VU also provides the specialization to eligible students. VU built up their candidate’s career in right manners. It is two-year full time study program which divided in to four semesters. The duration of each semester is about 18th week long including Examinations. Candidates must have to get 2.30 CGPA out of 4.00 and earn at least 72 Credit hours during his/her study program.

Virtual University of Pakistan (VU) categories its Master degree programs in 6 Categories. First category is MCS in which Virtual University provide their students the basic and practically knowledge about the Computer education like Programming, Networking and Developing. 2nd Category is MIT it is same as like MCS. Third Category is M.Com this field is related about all type of Commerce subjects like Static’s, financial accounting and Business Mathematics etc. fourth Category is consist on Master of Business Economics which related to all the aspects of economics in the business. Fifth and Sixth Category which consists on Master of Business Studies leading to MBA (equivalent to MS) / MS in Business Administration and Master of Business Administration respectively. More details about these categhories is given in the following links…

MCS (Master of Computer Science) MIT (Master of Information Technology) M.Com (Master of Commerce) MB Econ (Master of Business Economics) Master of Business Studies (MBS) MBA (equivalent to MS) / MS in Business Admin Master of Business Administration

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