Thursday , 20 February 2025

Master of Information Technology | Virtual University of Pakistan

Like Master in Computer Science (MCS) Program, Virtual University is also offering the Master in Information Technology (MIT) Program. The Scope of study Information Technology in Master level is to enhance the developing level of the students. This field is same as like MCS (Master in Computer Science) because in this program we also learn the different Programming Languages and Algorithms to develop or compute a accurate solution of our problems. The main area of this course is consists on different type of programming like C++, C#, C, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), JAVA and Object Oriented Programming (OOP). As we know that due to the era of many computer applications the IT education is now become very important.

The minimum admission requirement in this course of Virtual university is 45%. The candidates who got 45% marks can get admission in this course. Master in Information Technology of Virtual University of Pakistan is two year degree program which further divided into four semesters. The duration of each semester is 18 weeks including examinations. Like Master in Computer Science (MCS) in Master in Information Technology (MIT) you also have to earn 72 credit hours to get minimum 2.30 CGPA out of 4.00 to take the degree of MIT (Master in Information Technology). Master in information Technology study scheme is consists on Assignments, Quiz, Grade Discussion Boards (GDB) and two type (Mid term and Final Term) Papers.