Saturday , 22 February 2025

CS401 Assignments # 2 Solution Spring 2012

Question no. 1:

Assuming the following Assembly language code, assemble it and at the end of each instruction, show the changed values ofALand the indicated FLAGS.

MOVAL, 8Bh                      AL=8B, CF = 0, SF = 0, PF = 0, ZF = 0;

ADDAL, 22h                        AL=AD, CF = 0, SF = 1, PF = 0, ZF = 0;

AND Al, 1000101b               AL=05, CF = 0, SF = 0, PF = 1, ZF = 0;

OR Al, 9Ah                           AL=9F, CF = 0, SF = 1, PF = 1, ZF = 0;

XORAL, 10101011b            AL=34, CF = 0, SF = 0, PF = 0, ZF = 0;

TEST AL, 2                            AL=34, CF = 0, SF = 0, PF = 1, ZF = 1;

CMP AL, 58                           AL=34, CF = 1, SF = 1, PF = 1, ZF = 0;

ADCAL, 11110000b            AL=25, CF = 1, SF = 0, PF = 0, ZF = 0;

SHR AL,2                               AL=09, CF = 0, SF = 0, PF = 1, ZF = 0;

Question no. 2:

Write a subroutine that can calculate the sum of an array, assuming that the array’s length is 20 and also save the end result in to DX.


[org 0x0100]

MOV BX, ARRAY               ;point BX towards the first element in ARRAY

MOV CX, 10              ;load count of numbers in cx

MOV AX, 0                ;initialize sum to zero

CALL ARRAY_SUM                       ;CALL the subroutine named as ARRAY_SUM

MOV AX, 0x4c00                  ;terminate program

INT 0x21

ARRAY: DW 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10     ;Array data

ARRAY_SUM:          ADD AX,[BX]                       ;add the first element of an array to AX

ADD BX,2                 ;Point BX towards the next element in ARRAY

DEC CX                                 ;Decrement the Counter

JNZ ARRAY_SUM               ;Loop(adding) until the end of the ARRAY

MOV DX, AX                        ;Store the end result into DX

RET                             ;return control to the main program

Question no. 3

Write an assembly language code to calculate the factorial of “7” using a subroutine.

Also attach the final snapshot of you AFD window.


[org 0x0100]

MOV AX,7                 ;Move 7 to Accumulator

MOV CX,AX             ;load count of numbers in cx

DEC CX                                 ;Decrement CX

CALL FACTORIAL             ;CALL the subroutine named as factorial

MOV AX, 0x4c00                  ;terminate program

INT 0x21


MOV BX,CX             ;Move Multiplier to BX

MUL BX                                ;Perform multiplication AX = AX * BX

DEC CX                                 ;Decrement the Counter

JNZ FACTORIAL                 ;Loop, constant multiplication until end

RET                             ;return control to the main program
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Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting assignment.   Rules for Marking It should be clear …

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