Saturday , 22 February 2025

CS506 Assignment 3 Solution fall 2012 will upload soon

Assignment No. 03
SEMESTER Fall 2012
CS506- Web Design and Development

 Total Marks: 20


Due Date: 04/12/2012

InstructionsPlease read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:

  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
  • The assignment is full or partially copied (from other students or ditto copy from handouts or internet).
  • Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.
  • The assignment is not submitted .java format.


Uploading instructions

Your Submission must include:


  1. Source Code (.java files) and other if necessary files to compile and run your program.
  2. Place your .java file in a Zip file and Upload it on VULMS.


Note: Use Notepad, Notepad++ or Net Beans for coding, compilation and running.


The objective of this assignment is


  • To give you some practice exercise of animation in java GUI programs.


Important Requirements and Instructions:

  1. You are allowed to use Net beans to make this assignment.  Use of any other IDE tool is not allowed.
  2. If you are using Net Beans to develop assignment then send complete project folder in zip format.
  3. Similar exercise is already given in handouts lectures related to animation.
  4. If any student submits only exercise given in handouts he/she will get zero marks.
  5. For completely understanding of requirement see demo.gif file (attached with assignment file).
  6. If demo.gif file don’t run then open demo.html file (attached with assignment file).
  7. Your solution should be in only one java file. For any other class use inner class.
  8. Complete all requirements given in demo.gif movie file.
  9. Assignment last date is December 04, 2012. Extra grace day (December 05, 2012) is only if last date has any problem (like server gets down or files not uploading).  Any lame excuse will not be accepted.
  10. We will not accept assignments through email in any case. Be Careful.




For any query about the assignment, contact at






You have to develop a GUI base animation application, which moves a ball in a window in the following pattern given in demo.gif file. Window should not be resizable.



Use the concept of inner class for the class which will create graphic image (ball).

Similar example is already given in handouts. First understand handouts example then this exercise will be very easy for you.

Download Fall 2012_CS506_3 Assignment


Your code must justify enough for 20 marks.

Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 16-19


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 04/12/2012.

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