Thursday , 27 March 2025

Introduction to Virtual University Pakistan ( VU Guide)

V Virtual University of Pakistan is the first University in Pakistan which can provide information and communicates with their students via broad cast. Virtual University of Pakistan was established in 2002 by the Government of Pakistan in Public Sectors. It is fully recognized by the HEC (Higher Education commission). The Virtual University of Pakistan is also chartered by the Federal Government of Pakistan. Virtual University of Pakistan provides their education in many cities of Pakistan in many Campuses. The main Head office of Virtual University is situated in Lahore. Virtual University of Pakistan also starts broadcast its own channels since September 2002.
VU helps the Students of All Progrmas of Computer Scince, Managemnt or others in Virtual University of Pakistan. We are launching the best web site of Virtual University of Pakistan’s all type of New and Old Assignments, Grade Discussion Board (GDBs), Solved and Unsolved MCQ’s and Quizs, All types of solved and unsolved Mid term Papers and Final terms Papers. All of these help provide by without making any account and to get any commission. The Students of Virtual University who face many problems relates to their course they can get the best solution of their problems from

Good News For VU Students:- is going to launch its own Forum for all type of discussions and to get the online feedback of Virtual University students. Become a member of our VU Forum ( and share your latest assignments, Quizzes and GDBs With us….

More News For Virtual Students:- is going to launch the online Quiz sytem for all vu students. Now you can practice the All latest MCQs and Quizs from our Quiz Bank Clikck Here to select your subject Quizs & MCQs.. Now we are working on it But soon we will provide all subject’s online Quiz service for you.. We also request you to send your Quizs & MCQs in arslanali@ ID…..

V Virtual University launched many programs and Courses for their students. Virtual University first Inaugurate and launch their BS (Computer Science) and BS (Information Technology) programs in March 2002. Then Virtual University of Pakistan launches its Master in computer Science (MCS), Master in Information Technology (MIT) and Master in Business Administrator (MBA) programs from February 2006. Then Virtual University Launches MS program in Computer Science in September 2007. In Addition Virtual University also starts its BS Dual Degree Programs, 2 Year Bachelors Programs, Zero semester and Diploma program. Virtual University has its own Unique Examination System and has its own Learning Management System. Virtual University provides their lecture through broadcasting in Channels, Through CDs, Handouts and Internet. All courses even every books Lecture is available on